Friday, July 19, 2024

A Bit Much

Yesterday's movie was Inside Out 2, which as far as I understand has had good reviews and garnered appreciative audiences. Certainly the student audience I was watching it with seemed to enjoy it. And I could see there was lots to enjoy: beautifully crafted animation, a clever script and what seemed like a genuine attempt to deal with somewhat tricky subject matter, the trials and tribulations of the onset of puberty in teenage girls in a generously understanding way.

But I walked out at the end feeling somewhat overwhelmed. It was a bit too dazzling for me, a bit too fast-paced, a bit too clever.

Maybe I was over-thinking it, but the allegory didn't quite work for me, despite some insights along the way. Envy seemed underplayed and the Ennui bit appeared a sort of fake boredom, performative in nature to impress others, when I would have thought the authentic emotion would involve a very real lack of energy, when whatever the film & its protagonist lacked, it certainly wasn't energy.

Oh, and the eyes of the characters were too big, too cute.

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