Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Still Fragile

Bit of a coincidence just now. Not spooky, but close. I was idly browsing some of my posts from years back in this Far Place, on a whim. Fifteen years, to the day, to be precise; a nice roundish number and date and entirely arbitrary. And I came across this, about someone in hospital: News of the sudden unexpected hospitalisation of a friend knocked me backwards, sideways and every which way today. 

Now the thing is that I had no memory as to whom the friend might be despite pondering for a minute or two - only to realise, as I browsed further through the month in question that it was no other than the mighty Boon. You could have knocked me down with the proverbial feather. Yes, the 9 July in question was the date of his first heart attack, from which he made a reassuring recovery.

Anyway, he's now out of hospital after banging himself around in the bathroom, following the loss of unreasonable amounts of blood, to end up looking like someone who'd just been sparring with Mike Tyson (and I'm talking the young, ferocious Tyson here.) Hope the next fifteen, twenty, twenty-five years or so prove uneventful on the health front for him. And for me, for that matter.

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