Saturday, July 13, 2024

Food For Thought

Getting on with the short stories in Ted Chiang's collection Stories of Your Life and Others, a gift from Saravanan, who clearly feels I need to do some deep thinking. Not easy reading, but rewarding if only at the level of offering a genuine mental workout every time. Well, for each of the five tales I've read so far. Chiang's stuff seems to be classified as sci-fi, with the blurb quoting the Graun saying he's a science-fiction genius. But it's a lot more Borgesian than that, I reckon. Each story invents a new kind of world, not necessarily one of the future.

I'm reading this alongside the poems in the Appendices to the hulking Lowell Collected and the opening pages of the second part of Finnegans Wake. So it's all pretty strenuous stuff at the moment.

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