Saturday, June 15, 2024

Still On Hold

We're off to Melaka soon having failed to deal with the problem of the popping tiles here at Maison KL. At one time we thought we'd deal with the issue in March this year, but that wasn't to be. This time round the untimely illness of our contractor Ah Seng has been to blame for the lack of action. In fact, we still haven't decided on what to replace the tiles with, though it looks certain that the whole of the floor will need re-laying as we can't find replacements for our current tiles anywhere. It's a headache.

But, happily, there's been no further damage to the floor and our stay here has been reasonably comfortable. Mind you, there're quite a few jobs around the homestead that will need attending to down the line. I've got a feeling that it's only going to be after I've retired and we make this our base of operations that we're going to see to all that needs seeing to.

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