Monday, June 10, 2024

Keeping Warm

We were back at our old stomping grounds at Ampang Point this evening, and things were much the same, I'm happy to say. In fact, the car park, which was closed for renovations last time we were in the vicinity, is a lot brighter than it used to be. And I reckon the exterior of the old mall is less messy than it used to look, though it still appears cheerfully run-down. All this in stark contrast to the new mall we were exploring over the weekend. That one goes by the name KL East Mall and it was my first time there, though Noi has been there before with Rohana & chums some months back.

There was nothing exactly wrong with East Mall. It was pretty much like any new mall in KL and I could see why the average muslimah might be drawn there given the number of outlets selling very fashionable head-scarves. But, my goodness me, was it cold! I'm not sure who set the limit on the air-conditioning, but there was no escaping the chill.

My preference is simply stated. I'd rather feel that I'd stepped back to when I first arrived in this part of the world and enjoyed the warmth of buildings that weren't designed to be much other than well-ventilated semi-tropical warehouses than be shivering over my cup of tea, pleasant as that tea might be.

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