Friday, June 28, 2024

Going To Extremes

Noi has gone up to Mak's house at Alor Gajah for the weekend along with Rozita. They are intending to sort out various items in one of the store rooms there, distributing them amongst the family, as far as I can gather. To be honest, I'm not at all sure what the items are and have only a vague sense of exactly where the room is located, so I'm not exactly involved - and have a stack of marking to do anyway, which means I couldn't travel up with them.

I'm missing Noi already, but at least I can comfort myself by playing what she generally refers to as 'loud' music. Must say, it doesn't sound loud to me. In fact, the volume I favour strikes me as perfectly measured, just right. Have just listened to Vital, the live Van der Graaf album from 1978. It has a reputation for being 'extreme', and well deserves it as the band seem to be flirting with one sort of disaster or another on pretty much every track. Astonishingly they never quite go over the top and the whole thing somehow holds together. It's the antithesis of quantized, autotuned, safely anodyne muzak. A welcome reminder of the invigorating danger of being fully alive.

Really must listen again soon. Possibly playing it just a bit louder?

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