Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Making The Effort

Once I'd finished my stint of marking for the day I went off on an on-line journey (if there really can be such a thing) to find something to listen to that both sounded intelligent and dealt with a controversial issue of the day offering a reasonable range of perspectives. I suppose I wanted to reassure myself that such a combination might exist. And it did, or, rather does.

Actually I've listened in the past to Messers Glenn Loury and John McWhorter conversing in the kind of way I hope I'm capable of (on a good day, when all my faculties are firing.) So the journey didn't take too long. But it felt good to hear these gentlemen saying sensible, measured, reflective and open things about the George Floyd case, in a way that avoided taking sides but was clearly a genuine effort to move towards some kind of truth. I'm not sure they got there, but that's the point. The effort is the only way we have of paying homage to whatever truth there is, and if our thinking is effortless then something's going badly wrong with the way we see the world.

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