Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Bit Shallow

I noticed a fair number of candidates using dive as a verb in the sense of conducting an analysis in the essays I recently marked for IB. I think I've seen this before, but not with this level of frequency. I'm guessing it's been picked up from podcast lingo, when presenters tell their audience they're about to take them on a deep dive into some issue or other. Ironically it usually turns out to be quite a shallow dive in my experience, but that's neither here nor there.

And I've recently picked up on the use of 'showrunner' as the title for whomever it is who's in overall charge of what goes on in a show on television. Picked this one up from nerdy podcasts saying unpleasant things about the latest incarnation of Doctor Who and then noticed it everywhere in relation to people being unhappy about spin-offs from Star Wars.

I'm not sure that my vocabulary has been expanded by these recent discoveries. Possibly it's just acquiring width at the expense of depth. But at least I'm allowed the illusion of being a little more in tune with the times.

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