Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Piling Up

Popped into the library at work today in a spare moment just to pawm around - and ended up taking three books out to read (by August.) I'm now adding these to the small pile I accumulated for my birthday when The Missus decided it was time to break my book-buying fast by gifting me no fewer than three tomes from local publishers Epigram. Oh, and a kind colleague bought me Ted Chiang's Stories of Your Life and Others which he reckons makes him 'think'. Since the author seems to be regarded as 'a science fiction genius' (according to the blurb) I'm hoping it does the same for me. I can't remember the last time I had something like an original thought, though I suppose being prompted to think the thoughts originated by a genius in his genre doesn't exactly count as originality.

So that's seven books so far, and I have to add to that the chunky Collected Poems of Robert Lowell which I'm still going on with. Plus I made a list of books on my shelves that are in deep need of an immediate re-read, or complete read-through with me having dipped in extensively but never quite gone cover to cover. The four on that list means the pile is twelve tomes high. Quite enough for now. Possibly for the rest of the year.

And the funny thing is that I get just as excited over the idea of reading all the books in the months ahead as I would have done with an equivalent list of books from the library when I was a little lad.

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