Monday, May 20, 2024

Going Visual

As my poor students know, I rate my tastes in literature and music pretty highly. Sadly I cannot say the same of my tastes in visual art. I know what I like, and I like what I know, and that's about it. Oh, and I can't explain why I like what I like, regardless of my usual facility with words.

So I have no idea why I like Jonathan Yeo's recently unveiled portrait of Charles III. I mean, I don't particularly like the subject of the painting, though I have nothing personal against him, never having met the geezer. I just think it's a pretty good painting to stare at for a while. 

Mind you, one of the art critic chappies at the Graun does not agree and has written a cheerfully coruscating review to say so. The funny thing is, I really enjoyed reading the review even though it tears my superficial opinions to shreds.

One thing Sir Alex Ferguson never said, so I'll say it for him: Art, bloody hell, eh?

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