Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Learning Something

I acquired a certificate in First Aid today. This is related to the on-line course I was moaning about not being able to access last Thursday. Eventually I was able to get in and do the necessary, and today I cleared the practical stuff in 'real life', like bandaging and using an AED. Unexpectedly I turned out to be a dab hand at CPR, getting it right the first time as if born to the manner. Since I'm normally more than a touch cack-handed when it comes to practical stuff that was quite a relief.

So the world is a very little bit safer than of old now I know a bit about what to do in a crisis. Mind you, it is definitely just a bit - and somewhat late in life for the knowledge, if you ask me, though I've never actually faced an out and out crisis in which I was left on my own. Luck, I suppose.

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