Monday, January 1, 2024


I'm happy to say that I accomplished my resolution for 2023. I had no real choice but to be resolute, of course, but enjoyed being so and managed to get back to what I regard as good health, which I didn't really expect. So I'm resolved to stay resolved, but that's a given I suppose, so can't really qualify as my resolution for 2024.

What can qualify is something based on what I posted on 21 December in relation to diet. My fighting weight seems to have been definitely reduced from what it used to be by a good 2 kg. So it isn't a matter of eating less. But I think I can tweak my intake to eat a bit better in terms of fruit and vegetables. In the year ahead I'll seek to enjoy the fruits abundantly available in the world I've been blessed to exist in. And to keep up with the exercise.

This is drearily practical and sensible, and that's just what I need at this point in time.

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