Sunday, June 16, 2019


Noi took command of the driving today as we made our way back to base. I'd been hoping for a fairly swift recovery for my strained back after getting the magic muscle relaxant jab on Friday, but this was not to be. Am struggling now, in fact, just sitting down and writing this.

Mind you, I'm not struggling as much as sister Maureen and brother-in-law John. John has contrived to scald his one remaining foot by pouring tea over it - don't ask - and his mobility is more limited than ever. Maureen fell over a weeks ago and painfully broke her ankle, requiring a couple of operations to try and put things right. But she also is still severely limited in terms of getting out of the house. This means they're dependent on John's daughter, Louise, for running errands for them.

They were complaining to me about all this when I phoned just now, but in a cheerfully miserable manner, which is a good sign. Funnily enough it made me feel almost pleased that my problem is so relatively unproblematic.

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