Sunday, June 30, 2019

In A Bad Way

Now dealing with a Big Problem. I'm suffering a particularly savage bout of sciatica, down my left leg. This developed yesterday morning just before we drove down to Melaka. I spent the journey flat out, on the back seat. Went to a doctor's on the way, desperate for pain-killers and he prescribed something called Tramadol, amongst others. Looked it up on-line. It's opiate based and possibly addictive. Not good, then. But necessary, I'm afraid. We're going to try and get to Singapore this afternoon, where I think I'll be seeking a hospital. Wish me luck, Gentle Reader. I need lots of it!

Got back in one piece with the Missus taking command. Some improvement in my condition. No longer in pain all the time, which is a great place to be.

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