Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Lesson Learnt

With my New Year's resolution in mind I got myself to the gym this evening with much enthusiasm - too much enthusiasm, in fact. Actually I went to the gym yesterday, but couldn't gain entry due to some odd behaviour on the part of the biometric system that should have let me in but decided not to. I think this was related to the fact it was a public holiday. Anyway, this simply added to my desire to hit the pedals hard, and that's what I did this evening, also spurred on by the fact that young Marcus was doing his thing on a treadmill to loud music when I arrived and I vaguely thought I could match his sheer oomph.

For twenty-five minutes my own oomph was considerable - and then abruptly vanished - oddly enough when Marcus left taking his music with him. I suddenly realised that I still had twenty minutes left to negotiate and almost nothing left in the tank to get through what now seemed like an awful long time.

Get through, I did, but in dismal style, with dismal numbers at the end. So I've learned a painful lesson about over-estimation of my abilities and how quickly I lose any kind of fitness when I'm not exercising regularly (even though we did a fair amount of walking, often uphill, in New Zealand.) The problem is, of course, that I will probably forget this lesson as quickly as I learned it.

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