Monday, December 31, 2018

Looking Ahead

As 2018 staggers to its conclusion I find myself feeling thoroughly refreshed after our brief stay at Mak's house. Had a fine old time with the family and am actually looking forward to the drive back to our usual Far Place since I've decided it will feature quite a bit of Dylan (Bob, not Thomas.) Not sure that Noi will approve, but she's likely to be asleep as I do driving duty. She's got a bit of a cold and didn't sleep terribly well last night in contrast to Yours Truly who effortlessly packed in the zzzzzzs. Not too sure if we might meet with a jam or two on the way back, but I'll be practising patience and singing along with the Bobster if we do.

Now considering the most important business of this time of year: carving out a meaningful resolution for the year ahead. Funnily enough, I never took this seriously in my youth. I'm not terribly sure I take it all that seriously now, actually. But it's fun to fantasise.

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