Monday, September 16, 2024

Back On Form

I was struggling with a bit of a bad back on our final day in Melaka and the days following when we got back to our usual abode. In fact, I avoided going to the gym for three days for that reason and was ultra-cautious when I finally got back on the elliptical trainer last Thursday, setting it at quite low resistance. And I didn't try anything on the weights that evening, or on Saturday afternoon when I had my next session. Actually on Saturday I really struggled trying to complete a sixty minute stint on the trainer, this time on full resistance. It didn't help my morale much that I was still experiencing some back pain then, though it was easing.

So I wasn't expecting much to write home about this evening. Which means that managing some good numbers over the sixty minutes of cardio and coping pretty well with my standard routine using the weights came a surprise. An exceedingly pleasant one.

I have no idea why the sudden return to form came about and I don't intend to think about it too much. But I do intend to enjoy the sense of accomplishment while it lasts.

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