Saturday, September 28, 2024

A Bit Much

Stumbled across an excellent podcast yesterday going under the moniker The Rest is History. The particular episode related to the French Revolution and was extremely informative. So far, so very good. So where's the downside? There's always one somewhere.

Well, in this case not really. Except for a suspicion lurking in the darker part of my mind that the riches so readily available to me through various media could easily become overly rich. And I could find myself drowning in all the choices. And panicking that I can't cope with everything on offer.

My strategy for dealing with this threat is simple. I'm very good, at least for now, at putting off the day when I consciously immerse myself in material I'm longing to swim in. And I don't go looking in a methodical way for anything new. I let it come to me by chance. The strategy, primitive as it is, seems to be working. The challenge will be in keeping it up in a world that's becoming more interesting and exciting than ever.

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