Saturday, March 9, 2024

Changing Times

We've had Fifi staying with us for a few weeks now, since Hakim has temporarily taken over her room in Woodlands. Can't say her presence has altered our routines much, basically since she is rarely actually present. I suppose I knew police inspectors were busy, but now I know it as an actual thing. Another small change in our lives has been Noi's greater busyness in her home-based baking business. Never knew churning out big numbers of various kinds of puff - potato, chicken, shrimp, mushroom - was so labour intensive. But this is only a temporary thing since she's only taken in orders up to the Fasting Month. Once we move into Ramadhan she'll be back into producing all her various kinds of kueh and it'll be business as usual, which will still be busy, of course. Must say, I'm happy sampling her products as chief domestic taster, so no complaints from me on this one either.

At this point in time all my complaints regarding unnecessary alterations in my life are focused on my not-so-trusty laptop from work. The stupid thing has taken it upon itself to do routine things differently for reasons I can't fathom. All sorts of peculiar things have been happening on its desktop over the last week, including a refusal to download an audio file in the middle of an oral examination. That caused a worrisome ten minutes or so, I can tell you, until we finally got it to behave. But the single most irritating thing, though of only minor, cosmetic significance, has been the weird re-configuration of the look of my Outlook emails, which came suddenly out of nowhere. It served as a reminder that such systems are never really 'ours' of course, but those of our Tech Overlords.

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