Monday, January 2, 2023

A Bit Of A Tickle

At the point of testing positive for Covid around mid-December I was pretty much asymptomatic, other than dealing with a bit of a runny nose. So it's been both baffling and irritating that post-Covid I've been dealing with a ticklish cough, prone to bother me in the early hours of the night when I'm lying down. When we were in Melaka and KL it proved fabulously troublesome, keeping me awake, loudly so in terms of my response, for what felt like hours at a time. Indeed, I wondered whether I was suffering from some form of what's known as long-Covid, such was the negative impact of the coughing upon me.

I'm very pleased to say that I appear to have got over the problem, though I still feel the need to clear my throat at fairly regular intervals. I haven't felt the dreaded tickling sensation in the early hours for the last two nights which is a considerable relief, believe me. Strange how something seemingly insignificant, a misplaced tickling, not even painful in itself, can wreak havoc with one's sense of well-being.

Must say, I hope I'm not tempting fate by assuming the problem is over before it can be really confirmed as such. But I suppose I'm at that stage generally where I'm resigned to whatever else might be in store for me.

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