Sunday, June 12, 2022

Getting The Story In Order

I thought I'd be able to deliver a reasonably coherent account relating to the last couple of years and the impact of the pandemic upon my life and work. So it came as a bit of a surprise just now when I was talking to Hamza, who was visiting along with Sharifah and Aiman, that I really had very little idea of the sequence of events after March 2020. Even something as simple as placing the dates on which Noi and I got vaccinated stretched me and it came as a surprise to realise the relevant year for this was 2021.

I suppose I'd thought of the general sequence of events as following a sort of gradually easing curve from severe lock-down circa April-May 2020 to the relatively relaxing circumstances of today. But it wasn't quite as straightforward as that, was it? There were a number of ups and downs and all sorts of uncertainties.

I suppose I could check on this and work out a coherent narrative, but perhaps it's best to simply fare forward, voyager? I've never been much good at stories of any kind of length and, after all, this was just stuff that happened haphazardly. 

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