Friday, December 3, 2021

Staying Put

As another pandemic year limps to its end I'm reminded that normally this would be the time for making our various plans for travelling, even if only as far as KL. I'm both enjoying the sense of relaxation at not having to rush around getting stuff done and missing the excitement of it all.

Noi was just chatting on the phone to Sharifah who is spending the weekend at our house in KL. It sounds as if the place is in good shape despite our not having been anywhere near it for over a year and a half. We're lucky to have trustworthy neighbours and our great gardener Devan to keep an eye on things for us. Must say though, I'm very keen to get back there in the first half of next year as things ease up (we hope.) The current regulations on travelling north mean we're not considering trying to get there this December. Frustrating, but wise, I think.

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