Monday, December 6, 2021

Cleaning Up

This is the time of year when I make attempts to tidy-up stuff relating to work in the vain hope this will lead to some kind of order. Failure is inevitable, of course, but I'm happy with the idea that I can mitigate the chaos of it all to some small degree.

Over the weekend I tried to clear the various docs on my desktop. It looks a lot clearer now, but I can't say I'm terribly confident regarding where all the bits and pieces were tidied away to. Today I attempted to clear the inbox on my email. Once upon a time I could delete most of the mails since the business involved had been completed. That is no longer the case, I'm afraid. Stuff that looks finished has a way of rearing its ugly head(s) just when you really don't need it to - especially material related to finance, which is always unforgiving.

But I did get to vacuum all my books at my work station and clean various dusty surfaces. Progress, I suppose.

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