Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Beyond Medication

It looks like the doc's magic potions did the trick in dealing with my cranky left side. I haven't felt anything close to a painful tweak for a week, this contributing in a big way to a change in the quality of my life. I'm checking in with him this Saturday and hoping that there'll be no need to keep taking the tablets. Much as I enjoy getting better I'm never really comfortable with pill-popping.

Also I have the feeling that one of the tablets I'm now on is making me a lot more relaxed than I really want to be. Frankly I'd be happy to spend most of my time asleep - managing to do just that very successfully last week. This week I've tried to get on with things, but even now it feels suspiciously easy to slumber at a moment's notice.

Funnily enough this stands in distinct antithesis to the effects of the medicines I was taking earlier in the year to deal with my sciatica. I remember feeling unusually energised at that time, waking in the early hours and happily planning my working days without feeling in the least bit tired during the actual days. Perhaps this sort of thing is psychological rather than physiological, but I like the idea of being sure of the real me by not taking anything at all.

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