Thursday, December 23, 2021

Not A White Xmas

We were sitting enjoying a cuppa this afternoon in a new coffeeshop in Clementi Mall. Since we'd never been in this spot before the view we were offered, mainly consisting of Clementi Primary School across the road, through some nice big windows, was quite striking for us. Admiring it, in between munching on tasty croissants, Noi suddenly said, more than a little longingly, If only it was snowing!

Gentle Reader, I was shocked. How anyone would want to look out on the dreadful flakes falling (and feel the attendant chill) is quite beyond my understanding. I'm entirely happy to be in a part of the world where we're definitely not going to suffer the archetypal Christmas freeze. I suppose it's no big surprise that my favourite carol is, In the Bleak Mid-Winter (the Holst version.)

1 comment:

Joo said...

Dear Mr Connor, your blog made me laugh! (at the irony...) I am now residing in britain, and definitely suffering the archetypal Christmas freeze.... :(
I am Hwee Joo, a student in your form class 3A 1988. Good to hear that you are thoroughly enjoying the weather I m missing.