Friday, November 5, 2021

Slow Motion

On a few occasions today I was reduced to walking at a pace that would have embarrassed a tortoise - and I'm talking of an elderly tortoise who had seen better days. The slow motion was on account of the crankiness of the muscle running down my left side, from my lower back to the thigh. It seems to go into spasm if it decides that it's had enough, and I can't quite figure out what constitutes 'enough' or the exact circumstances that will provoke spasm. What I do know is that it's painfully debilitating when it all goes wrong, and the result is that I just can't move at any pace above extremely sloooow unless I want to provoke a further attack.

This is an excellent way to learn patience, by the way, and I recommend it to anyone who aspires to re-set an overly fast-paced way of life. I suppose it's also very frustrating, but I'm too busy trying to survive the day to bother to fume.

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