Saturday, November 27, 2021

Not So Involved

I'm roughly halfway through John Keegan's account of The Second World War, borrowed from the library, and not too sure that I'll press on to finish it. Odd really since Keegan's The Face of Battle is by far my favourite book related to military history. Somehow Keegan fails to bring alive the visceral experience of war in the later book. 

Actually the main reason for my borrowing the book was to have something in print to supplement my listening to Anthony Beevor's book on the conflict which I've been doing, usually when I'm shaving, since it's easily available on Youtube. But Beevor's account is so much more gripping than Keegan's that the print version seems curiously bloodless - a very odd word to use in this context.

I hate giving up on a book, so I can see myself continuing, but it'll be a thin reading at best.

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