Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Any Problems?

I didn't know the word problematize existed until I heard a couple of colleagues using it in recent years. To be honest, I'm still not convinced it should be a word but who am I to question the democracy of common (or even uncommon) usage. The meaning of the verb is obvious, though one may wonder who might want to create a problem for its own sake. Someone who enoyed thinking a bit too much for their own good, I suppose.

I don't like to problematize. I'm happy to have an easy a time as possible. But I'm well aware that life has a propensity to throw up problems in many aspects of our existence. Today I've struggled with a variety of problems in the following broad categories: physical, familial, professional. I suppose it's the penalty for being alive. Happily I can think of other broad categories (the spiritual, the financial, to name but two) that survived the day unproblematized. (Ugh.) So, not a bad day overall.

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