Sunday, October 31, 2021

A Single Story

Fuad passed me the first volume of Tall Order - The Goh Chok Tong Story a week or so ago. Since he'd gone to the trouble of lending me a copy I thought I'd better rise to the occasion by reading it and I'm now halfway through and, somewhat to my surprise, I'm enjoying it. Of course, as with any political biography I'm reading the tome with a healthy scepticism, but it does grant a number of insights into the ways this Far Place is run and the kind of people who make the big decisions about folks' lives here.

I suppose the fact that the book is profoundly unexciting says much for what has been achieved on these shores. I experienced the transition from the days of LKY to the new regime and, since then, to further transitions. Much has changed and I feel oddly privileged to have been around to witness those changes. I've gained a little more understanding of the nature of those changes and the nature of governance here, from Tall Order, but I'm keenly aware there's a much richer story going on. There always is, I suppose.

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