Monday, June 21, 2021


Noi and I spent the morning happily wandering around the Botanic Gardens. After a few days of rain we had perfect weather for meandering without purpose and took full advantage. If you check on the website for the location it seems there a number of things you can do there, but we successfully avoided doing anything and did it very well.

And we managed to get the cuppa we were looking forward to in the afternoon at our favourite branch of Ya Kun. Sadly the girl we're used to seeing there, an expert at handling the queues that have featured since the seating was cut down due to the regulations relating to the pandemic, has gone back to Myanmar according to the owner. Noi was chatting with him as she was being served and it seems the authorities weren't prepared to renew the young lady's work pass (this after six years here, as an obviously excellent worker) since the concern is with ensuring jobs are available for locals in these trying times. We're guessing she would have been unhappy to leave. Coming across an article relating to the covid outbreak in her nation as we were sitting slurping added to our helpless sense of concern.

It's salutary to be reminded that we're very much the exceptions in remaining relatively untroubled by the events of the last year or so. When we were chatting to our guests on Saturday I mentioned that I couldn't immediately think of anyone personally who'd been badly hit over the last few months and wondered if it were the same for them. It wasn't. They were able to supply a disconcertingly long list of those they knew in deep trouble.

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