Sunday, April 18, 2021

Within Reason

6 Ramadhan, 1442

Spent a chunk of time over the weekend dealing with my marking for IB. Listening to a variety of Individual Orals from around the world has a certain novelty about it, at least for now. So the work wasn't exactly wearing, but did require focus and concentration.

However, I did find time to get on with at least some of my assigned reading for the holy month. Indeed, I sort of surprised myself with my progress in Ed Feser's Five Proofs of the Existence of God. I'd originally intended the book as part of my holiday reading last December, but it somehow got shouldered out of the way, I suppose at least in part because it's quite demanding. But this time the opening chapter The Aristotelean Proof proved straightforwardly accessible. I think this is because I've accustomed myself to Aristotelean terminology - the mediaeval version thereof - through my acquaintance with Prof Feser's work on Thomas Aquinas and found it quite natural to think in terms of potentiality and actualisation, terms central to this version of the Unmoved Mover argument. It's strange to think that an argument I found clumsy and almost unnatural when studying the Philosophy of Religion at university now seems so entirely convincing.

When I was finding my way back to a belief in God I put little store in unaided human reason as an approach to the Divine. I was wrong.

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