Thursday, November 28, 2019

On Paper

Just completed some paperwork related to the provision of extra classes for the foreign scholars in my school. I regard this as the single worst job of my year, so I try to put it off to the last possible moment. Unfortunately it requires three full days to gather and complete all the documentation required by the Ministry of Education of this Far Place to account for all the money spent. And, even more unfortunately, I know that there will be further queries about the courses provided stretching into next year, because there always are. 

I suppose it's good to put rigorous procedures in place to ensure that money is well spent, but when you're undergoing the rigour you do wonder why so much paper needs to be generated to account for something that's essentially over and done with. And I'm doubtful that there's any real correlation between the quality of teaching and learning and the paper-blizzard whirling around it.

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