Thursday, February 7, 2019

Paying The Bills

Spent a bit of time in recent days dealing with the payment of bills. I suppose this is an unusual thing to say, but I'm happy to pay them. Not happy in the sense of enjoying seeing the money go out; I take no pleasure in that. But happy in the sense that I can afford to pay and none of this is any real hardship. I'm aware that for many people real hardship is involved in dealing with matters financial, and often bills engender huge anxieties such that just coping is heroic in itself.

Too often the assumption is made that somehow such people have themselves to blame for their troubles. Sometimes yes, though why this should preclude sympathy for those that have messed up somehow, I'm not sure. But in my experience, it's rare that those struggling have only themselves to blame, if any blame at all attaches.

All I face is mild irritation when I'm settling the bills. Lucky.

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