Monday, February 25, 2019

On The Edge

Noi's sore throat and bad cough, which had been sleeping for most of the month, awoke with a vengeance on Friday. We went to the doctor's on Saturday, to try and put an end to this particularly sticky virus. (That's my medical term for it, by the way, not the doc's.) On its return I guessed that this time I wouldn't escape, and today has seen me coping with a sore throat and mouth and, sometimes, a pounding head.

But I wouldn't yet say I was ill exactly. I seem to be on the verge of succumbing to the virus big time, but sort of fighting it off. I'm guessing that most people who encountered me in the course of the day wouldn't have guessed that I was in some sense unwell. And I'm devoutly hoping to actually not go over the edge into real illness as I need to go to Bangkok at the end of the week for some training related to the new syllabuses for English developed by the IBO. The material looks genuinely interesting, and we urgently need to develop real expertise, so I'm hoping to stay reasonably functional in the near future.

Wish me luck, and rather plentiful amounts of it!

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