Friday, February 22, 2019

Another Place

I think there's a new muezzin at Masjid Darussalam. I say this because the azan for today's Friday Prayers sounded so utterly fresh to me, I experienced something like a moment of shock, quickly translating into delight. The call to prayer is more often than not something to be enjoyed and occasionally relished for its beauty, but the melodic qualities of today's transported me into a new dimension. I found it so beguiling that by its end I'd sort of hypnotically zoned out and forgotten where I was.

The whole experience was perfectly timed also. I'd had a bit of an irritating and occasionally frantic morning, such that heading off to Prayers came as a relief in itself. (Odd to think that many years ago when I first began to go to the mosque on Friday it seemed like something of an imposition to do so.) It'd been a distinctly hot day as well, of the bothersome variety, but I'd found myself a comfortable spot and was enjoying the ease that comes along with being in the right place at the right time when the call began - to take me to another place entirely.

An easy way to travel. And deeply satisfactory.

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