Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Hardly Matters Of Life And Death

I've been feeling somewhat weighed down by various trivial matters in the last few days - trivial, yes, but still needing to be resolved. When I tell you that one such matter has involved an improbable amount of admin work to settle the finances for the various English courses we have to run for overseas scholars new to the school from this time last year through to October 2018, you'll perhaps be able to guess at the sheer remorselessly plodding dullness of it all. And I can guarantee a sequence of interrogatory emails to follow once the paperwork reaches those who task it is to submit it to scrutiny and spot the gaps - which I'm sure are there.

It's at times like this that I desperately need to remember my own worthily wise advice to colleagues beset with troubles of their own to keep a perspective and disengage. I'm actually better at doing this now than I used to be. The problem is, though, that I'm still not particularly good at doing what I know is the obviously sensible thing.

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