Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Working Together

There was a time when I found clichés concerning the virtues of teamwork rather irritating. It was, sadly, all too frequently obvious that the people one worked alongside (or, rather, some of them) displayed a limited capacity for the quality. But over time I've come to appreciate that, given our natural and understandable tendencies towards selfishness, a better way to look at things was to celebrate and enjoy those occasions when genuine teamwork was manifested.

In fact, it's easy to pick out a lot of individuals in all walks of life who don't need to be exposed to the clichés. They just do it, often amazingly unselfishly. I tend to spot the selfishness partly because it's so irritating, and partly because I'm more than a little inclined that way myself, unless I keep it in check.

And also it turns out that over time I've had the enormous good fortune to work in genuine teams now and again; indeed, with surprising frequency with the young people I come into contact with, especially in this part of the world. It's happening to me at the moment as we are striving to get something on stage worth our collective efforts - and it feels good. Very.

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