Thursday, October 13, 2022


Popped back to the hospital a couple of times in the course of the day for appointments related to checking on the state of my liver, first of all to give blood, late in the morning, and then for a consultation in the afternoon regarding the results in relation to that august organ. Concerns had been raised as to possible liver damage towards to the end of my stay in ICU, but the consensus had been that the problems were likely transient and a by-product of the treatment I was receiving for the lung infection and seizures. That was happily confirmed today with some good-looking numbers.

Earlier in the morning I'd enjoyed another kind of progress in the shape of some guidance at work from Lee Jing in the use of what are known as resistance bands. These are ways of getting a bit of a workout for the muscles without overdoing things. Just what I need at the moment. I'm still way too weak to consider going to the gym - just going up a flight of stairs is apt to leave me breathless, so I've been feeling at a bit of a loss as to how to speed up the rehabilitation process. But now I've regained a sense of direction, and at just the right time.

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