Sunday, March 28, 2021

More Than Strictly Necessary

Got myself to the gym this evening to do the necessary. The necessary, by the way, comprises three visits a week, completing a 50 minute session each time. This is based on a recommendation I read somewhere, sometime that 150 minutes of exercise per week is the basis of good health. Of course, I have no idea if this is really the case, but a target is a useful thing, especially when you feel very lazy indeed, as I did earlier. Dragging oneself to the gym isn't pleasant, but it's better than just sitting around - at least in retrospect.

And there can be unexpected advantages in getting moving. On the way this evening I was treated to an extraordinarily beautiful moon, just above the horizon. It looked twice as big as usual, though one corner was slightly obscured by a bank of cloud. It's a pity that Noi wasn't around to share the sight: the odd thing about seeing something as beautiful as this when she's with me is the sense that sharing the sight makes it ten times as gorgeous. The maths of this is a bit odd, and I've learnt not to question it.

By the time I was making my way back the moon had risen in the sky and was smaller though brighter. Not quite full, I thought. That was when it struck me that all this beauty, splendid as it was, seemed somehow in excess of what was strictly necessary. But I'll happily take what's so generously on offer.

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