Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Waste Not

Noi is something of an expert at ensuring we don't waste food. I'm not sure why it is, but we always seem to have more than enough to eat in the house, despite buying in moderation. I suppose the phenomenon is partly related to the generosity shown by people in this part of the world in relation to the sharing of eatables in all circumstances. And since we both hate any kind of wastage, the Missus devotes considerable thought and skill to making sure it all gets consumed.

In contrast I recall from my childhood the opposite problem: the constant danger of running out of anything to eat and having to put up with knowing the most you could fill yourself with was a bit of bread (or a biscuit if one was left.) Don't get me wrong, there's was always food on the table for meals - but that was it. And it was the same for all the neighbours.

Something changed along the way. And I'm not sure it was necessarily for the better.

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