Saturday, May 23, 2020

Not Much Different

30 Ramadhan, 1441

Happy to have come through thirty days of fasting with reasonable success. In many ways a replay of Ramadhans past, but in other ways different. Of course, being involved in a lockdown meant that many of the expected features of the month were lacking, but the core of the experience didn't change, except it's an older version of myself fasting and at a somewhat different time of year than previously. In that sense there's always progression, always something unfamiliar to deal with.

I'm guessing that for Muslims worldwide the meaning inherent in the challenge of the fast will not have shifted much, if at all. Indeed, in a way it may have deepened as the challenges have been in some ways new ones, even as they haven't really changed much at all. It's salutary to bear in mind that this is the way things have been for centuries.

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