Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Exercise, Lack Of

The Missus is now Zoom-ing (if there is such a word) in our living-room with a group of ladies (in a virtual sense) exercising together. How splendid, and good for her! say I. In sad contrast I've managed to engage in precisely zero exercise for a whole month. My excuse, a poor one, is that in the peculiar circumstances of life in, what is termed in these parts, the Circuit Breaker, combined with the special circumstances of the fasting month, I just couldn't figure out a way of getting anything worthwhile done - so I didn't do anything. Doh!

Today I found myself going up and down a few flights of stairs since I was back at work for part of the day to do some consultations. Sadly, pathetically, I felt the strain. But at least I was doing something. And I'm now planning to get out on the streets in the next few days in order to set this sad, old frame in some kind of motion.

I suppose there's a kind of weak integrity in the fact I feel embarrassed writing this.

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