Saturday, April 25, 2020

Twice Again

2 Ramadhan, 1441

For some reason I tend to find the second day of fasting a tad more demanding than the first, and thus it proved today. That wasn't helped by the fact that there was nothing to demand alertness from me during the morning which I managed to haplessly fritter away. Sometimes you need a purpose to take your mind off your immediate needs - which turn out to be not exactly needs in the most real sense after all.

As a corrective to my lethargy, I tried to spend some time thinking of those who are fasting in far less comfortable circumstances than my own. So many of those. Forgot yesterday to wish Selamat Berpuasa! to all observing the fast, so I'll do so now, not least to remind myself that, appearances notwithstanding, the fast is ultimately about community, as is the faith.

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