Sunday, February 9, 2020

In Addition

Still trying to get on top of my journal-reading and very much enjoying the October-November 2019 issue of Philosophy Now in the process. The featured philosopher is Schopenhauer and I'm embarrassed to say that I knew next to nothing in terms of detail about him before reading the first few articles. This is especially embarrassing since I've seen so many references to his work and ideas in the work of thinkers I generally admire that I feel I've let the side down somehow by being so ignorant.

What took me a little by surprise was the extent to which a number of ideas which I have explored in recent years and developed a distinct sympathy for feature in Schop's The World as Will and Representation. I had been wondering whether I should put WWR on my reading list at some point - and now that point has definitely arrived. (Mind you, the list is so long I'm not sure I need to get round to buying a good edition for at least a couple of years.)

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