Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Holiday Reading

I've heard such good things about the Shardlake novels of C.J. Sansom that it was almost inevitable I'd start out on the series one day. Murders set in sixteenth century England against a background of deep religious divisions, with a protagonist in the service of Thomas Cromwell and his programme of Reform - what's not to like?! The paperbacks themselves look good and smell great. In fact, I would have bought the first in the series, Dissolution, back in December in the UK were it not for the fact that John & Jeanette were already familiar with the series, it being my grand plan to leave the book, once read by myself, with them to avoid having to tote it back all the way here.

In the event, I bought a copy at the Kinokuniya branch in KLCC and read it over Chinese New Year. All the good things turned out to be true. I'm now officially a fan, possibly even a fan-boy, and figuring out when I'll have a bit of time to address number 2 in the series. Also wondering to whom to lend volume 1.

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