Sunday, December 25, 2016

Not Entirely Happy

We're off to sister Maureen's in a couple of hours for Christmas dinner. Noi will be cooking the turkey we bought yesterday in Longsight, plus some curried chicken. John had been sending out mixed signals as to what he really wanted us to get, so we went for both eastern and traditional. It wasn't too difficult this time round getting hold of a halal turkey. I think they're becoming more easily available over here.

It's not a lot of fun for the girls visiting Maureen & John with us, but they're very patient. I think Noi believes it's good for them to visit those facing a degree of adversity and I can see some value in this, but it's a bit of a sad place to be given John's struggles to get around and my sister's general sense of being outside of things - a situation not made any easier by the problems she's experiencing with her eyes: she can't see anything at all out of one of them and vision in the other seems severely restricted. We were all set to take her to the hospital in early December for some kind of operation on the eye that's gone blind - repairing a detached retina, I think - but the doctor had to deal with an emergency so the procedure has been postponed.

Noi is taking the opportunity to do as much cleaning up at the house as possible whilst we're there. A typically practical reminder that only too often making the best of things as they are is all we can do.

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