Saturday, February 6, 2016


I'm now realizing I'm a lot more tired than I've consciously been aware of lately. By the time we reached Machap yesterday I knew I couldn't handle any more driving since my eyes were almost closing. Noi took over duties until we reached Melaka, then it was the teh and toast at the ARAB café that served to restore me to working order for the remainder of the journey.

Then today, despite getting in a good nine hours or so of the zzzzzzzs last night, I've nodded off both prior to the Zuhor and Asr prayers. In each case the rather loud azan from the masjid down the road woke me up to do the necessary. (One of the plus points of staying here is that prayer-times are signalled so clearly, and loudly - though I'm not so sure our non-Muslim neighbours are so appreciative. When we asked Susan from next door about this she tactfully said the noise doesn't bother them, but I reckon it could easily be turned down to the satisfaction of all.) I'm now wondering if I'll nod again before the Maghrib prayer, but Sharifah & Hamza are set to arrive before that so I don't think I'll get the chance, even if I were to want it.

Now playing Haydn, my set of the London Symphonies, at reasonable volume to keep myself awake and be reminded of what civilization sounds like.

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