Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pay-back Time

17 Ramadhan 1435

We were in Geylang this afternoon, paying our seasonal visit to Darul Arqam to pay our zakat. It was odd to be confronted there by two rather large mug-shots of our good selves, prominent within the premises, on a sign-board exhorting fellow Muslims to pay their zakat. We agreed to help Darul Arqam's advertising campaign earlier this year, so the mug-shots were not entirely a surprise, but even so... I must admit to more than a twinge of jealousy at the fact that the shot of the Missus saw her at her radiant best, whereas mine was, sadly, business as usual.

After making our payment it was off to the bazaar, the stalls immediately outside Darul Arqam that is, in order to buy some goodies for breaking the fast. As always I was astonished at the staying power of the vendors. How they keep going whilst fasting on a hot day some standing around super hot stalls, in the heat of the cooking, is beyond me.

It was good to get out for the afternoon, but even better to get home in time for a little snooze before breaking the fast.

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