Friday, May 3, 2013

Looking Back

Very occasionally I take a look at my journal from years back. Usually I limit myself, in an entirely arbitrary manner, to whatever was going on ten years ago. Sometimes it's hard to recognise myself, sometimes not.

I was a little startled just now looking back to May 2003 to realise I'd written one or two things relating to my considering asking for a transfer from the school in which I was teaching at that time. Indeed, it turns out that it was in that month that I made the request. I must say I was pleased at the sense of cold logic that went into the decision. It would have been more comfortable to stay where I was, but I would have been betraying whatever principles I've got.

Doing the right thing is always tricky when you don't know what the right thing is. But doing the difficult thing that could be right is preferable to doing the easy thing which probably isn't. At least you can live with yourself after.

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