Friday, March 8, 2013

Somewhat Misanthropic

There's a very strange case being played out in the States at the moment regarding a cop who fantasised about perpetrating extreme violence upon women, including his wife, and cannibalising them. He shared his fantasies on-line with like-minded gentlemen - it seems there are websites dedicated to this sort of thing - and is now facing conspiracy charges. Fortunately none of these fantasies were made real.

The implications of the guy going to prison (for a good many years) simply for fantasising are profound. But, then, my guess is that a lot of women, especially the ones he fantasised about, would feel a lot safer if he were behind bars. The case seems impossible to judge.

The level of violence also seems to reach impossible heights, even at the level of fantasy. A couple of details were mentioned in the first article I read and I didn't want to read anymore. But I read today that one of the websites involved has some 38,000 subscribers. Presumably these would have been more than happy to read on.

Which brings me to my hopeless conclusion. I have no idea what to make of all this, but am reminded of a sage piece of advice at the end of one of James Thurber's little stories. If I remember rightly it goes: Run, don't walk, to the nearest desert island.

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